It’s the end of yet another year. To me 2016 had it’s ups and downs, just like any other year. But in a way 2016 is more special to me because this is the year the #adventuresofthelearner was born. And it has indeed been a year of learning for me.
The most valuable lesson I learnt this year was how important it is to surround yourself with the right kind of people. It always brings me back to the old saying “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”. I met some amazing people this year – the kind that supported me through thick and thin, pushed my buttons and challenged my comfort zone. My wish to you for the New Year is to find the right kind of people that make you better every day!
Another great lesson was how important to stay focused on yourself – your goals, your dreams, your values. We can’t expect someone or something to define who we are, it has to come from within. Defending ‘me’ was the reason I made a life-altering decision that brought so many positive vibes into my life. I hope in the New Year we all go back to us!
Finally, this year humbled me and reminded me how many things I still don’t know and what a long way I have ahead of me to become the person I want to be when I grow up. Be hungry, be alert! That’s how you grow!
Here’s to a great 2017 of more adventures, more lessons, more paths to walk.